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Round 9 moved from 12:00 to 13:00 on 20/10/2023

Qatar Masters Open 2023

Last update 23.10.2023 16:21:18, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for IRI

7GMMaghsoodloo Parham2707IRI10111½½½16,57Open A
57GMMousavi Seyed Khalil2492IRI1½½½½010½4,571Open A
132FMAshraf Artin2340IRI½½½1½½½½15,528Open A

Results of the last round for IRI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMMaghsoodloo Parham2707 1 - 0 GMKuybokarov Temur2584
FMAshraf Artin2340 1 - 0 GMPranesh M2515
IMAbdurakhmonov Mukhammadali24054 ½ - ½4 GMMousavi Seyed Khalil2492

Player details for IRI

GM Maghsoodloo Parham 2707 IRI Rp:2727 Pts. 6,5
185IMSaydaliev Saidakbar2426UZB4,5w 1
261IMMadaminov Mukhiddin2484UZB5s 0
386IMLagunow Raphael2425GER3,5w 1
447GMSuleymenov Alisher2512KAZ5s 1
516GMSalem A.R. Saleh2632UAE6w 1
620GMKarthikeyan Murali2611IND6s ½
72GMNakamura Hikaru2780USA6,5w ½
824GMSethuraman S.P.2598IND6s ½
926GMKuybokarov Temur2584AUS5,5w 1
GM Mousavi Seyed Khalil 2492 IRI Rp:2575 Pts. 4,5
1135FMAaryan Varshney2339IND4,5w 1
25GMAbdusattorov Nodirbek2716UZB7w ½
331GMShimanov Aleksandr2566FID6s ½
48GMVan Foreest Jorden2707NED6s ½
511GMOparin Grigoriy2681USA6w ½
610GMFedoseev Vladimir2691SLO6s 0
7117FMPanesar Vedant2372IND4w 1
89GMNihal Sarin2694IND6w 0
996IMAbdurakhmonov Mukhammadali2405UZB4,5s ½
FM Ashraf Artin 2340 IRI Rp:2586 Pts. 5,5
154GMRaja Rithvik R2495IND5,5w ½
256IMRathanvel V S2493IND1,5s ½
368IMAssaubayeva Bibisara2469KAZ4,5w ½
466IMMuthaiah Al2470IND4,5s 1
542GMVignesh N R2527IND5,5w ½
638GMLalit Babu M R2547IND5s ½
760GMChandra Akshat2486USA5w ½
836GMAdhiban B.2551IND5,5s ½
946GMPranesh M2515IND4,5w 1