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Mzansi Bryanston Rapid Junior Section

Last update 07.10.2023 14:30:25, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank

1Mamabolo, ResegofaditsweRSA798
2Tierney, GraysonRSA795
3Mohamed, AramRSA781
4Westoby, AdamRSA740
5Mlilo, SibongisiweRSA738
6Upadhyay, SavyaRSA728
7Khumalo, JamaRSA688
8Chadalavada, BhaarghavaramaRSA669
9Subroyen, JeeveshRSA647
10Van Wyk, PaulRSA640
11Matsamai, Ontlametse BokaRSA626
12Niemann, ClaraRSA597
13Magwentshu, LisaRSA500
14Ziso, AnisaRSA500
15Dludla, NtokozoRSA0
16Khumalo, NdumisoRSA0
17Letlaka, KabeloRSA0
18Letlaka, KekeletsoRSA0
19Mamane, LikhoRSA0
20Nxumalo, MusawenkosiRSA0
21Scully, ErnestRSA0