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Fundraising Fun Chess Tournament 1000 Rating

Last update 17.09.2023 14:03:26, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Starting rank

1Alibhai, Aiden0
2Amani, Kessi0
3Deeksha, PartheebanTAN0
4Jog, Shivaan0
5Lalji, Alayna0
6Mehta, Vihaan0
7Naidoo, Yashveer0
8Pandya, Aarav0
9Patel, Arav0
10Pattni, Rihaan0
11Reese, JosephTAN0
12Reysia, JosephTAN0
14Shang, Wenzhe0
16Aaryavi, ShahTAN0