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10 város a sakkozásért program, Budapest állomás 'D' csoport, kezdők versenye 500-ig HuRRa pontig (10 éves korig) október 7.

Last update 07.10.2023 14:22:00, Creator/Last Upload: Sarmasi Peter

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
15Daniel, ÁrminHUN0632027
214Hogyinszki, MarkHUN0630,5024
33Bihary, Cecilia AgnesHUN0534023
41Balai, DavidHUN624528,5119
527Ulviczki, AdamHUN867528,5019
621Nikhit, RayepalliHUN0528020
720Molnar, LizaHUN0527022
818Krisch, Bálint -RóbertHUN0429019
926Toth, SebestyenHUN534427019
1028Vegh, AlizHUN0427015
1123Restás, DominikHUN0426016
1217Kincses, AnnaHUN0426015
1316Janosi, BotondHUN0422015
144Chen, LuxinHUN03,522,5011
1511Hervai, BálintHUN03,521011
1619Kunfalvi, SaraHUN0328,5015
1715Horváth, HugóHUN0327,5014
1813Hindrich, DavidHUN0324013
197Fenyvesi, TimeaHUN032208
209Győrfi, LillaHUN0321010
2110Hajnal, ViolaHUN02,521,5011
228Gubovits, MarcellHUN2962,520,509,5
2312Hervai, EszterHUN02,52007,5
2422Pálfalvi, AlizHUN0216,508,5
256Fenyvesi, DánielHUN01,52107,5
262Baranyai, Bors BotondHUN01,516,503,5
2724Restás, HannaHUN01,51402,5
2825Tolnai, BalázsHUN012307

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break