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ukáž detaily turnaja
2. liga A 2023/24 Posledná aktualizácia 27.03.2024 21:36:17, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 32
Info o hráčovi
Meno | Sipeky, Ladislav | Štartové č. | 3 | Rating | 1974 | EloN | 0 | EloF | 1974 | Rp | 1802 | FIDE Elo +/- | -31,4 | Body | 1 | Por. | 133 | Federácia | SVK | Klub | Sachovy Klub Dubravan | ID nár. | 696 | Fide ID | 14916703 | Rok narodenia | 1980 |
k. | č. | T | Meno | Elo | FED | Body | výs. | PGN |
3 | 47 | | Abel, Peter | 2187 | SVK | 6 | | PGN |
4 | 27 | | Cajka, Tibor | 2136 | SVK | 7 | | PGN |
5 | 262 | FM | Bochnicka, Vladimir | 2413 | SVK | 4 | | PGN |
7 | 90 | | Michal, Silvio | 2047 | SVK | 2,5 | | PGN |
8 | 177 | FM | Zetocha, Adrian | 2141 | SVK | 4 | | PGN |
9 | 197 | | Rak, Martin | 2174 | SVK | 6,5 | | PGN |
10 | 70 | | Sarmir, Milos | 1990 | SVK | 4,5 | | PGN |
11 | 164 | | Sturdik, Igor | 1906 | SVK | 3 | | PGN |
*) Rating difference of more than 400. It was limited to 400.