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Tokyo Chess Festival 2023 Standard Saturday

Last update 14.10.2023 11:55:10, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Starting rank

1Saito Hiromasa1805
2Kimura Ryota1657
3Nguyen Cong Khen1539
4Hasegawa Emi1491
5Mamatkulov Azizjon1452
6Yamada Takahiko1440
7Nishioka Masanari1414
8Yamada Atsushi1378
9Namikawa Kumiko1278
10Sharma Sameer1246
11Noda Ryo1183
12Yamada Makoto1179
13Agarwal Aviral1167
14Mandhadi Havish1081
15Maeda Kotaro1069
16Abe Hiroki1010
17Ichino Hiroaki981
18Hayashida Takuma931
19Yasuda Issa872
20Williams Ethan829
21Killamsetty Revanth Sainath743
22Kikuchi Saya646
23Lenda Elodie400
24Hauptmann Raphael0
25Inoue Yuki0
26Pusapati Krishna0
27Seino Akifumi0
28Tran Duc Hung Long0
29Wang Mingcheng0