Turnierreglement auf der Klub-Website.

Réti Klubmeisterschaft 2023/2024

Last update 07.05.2024 08:46:43, Creator/Last Upload: ASK Reti 2012-1

LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 6, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/7 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6
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Ranking crosstable after Round 6(11 results missing)

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Lang Fabian1947SUI 38w1 6b1 3b½ 13w1 5w1 4b+5,5022
2Pfister Peter2130SUI 4b1 14w0 39b1 3w½ 21b1 8w14,5018,5
3Iliev Batuhan2090SUI 19w1 15b1 1w½ 2b½ 10w1 6b4023
4Tschurr Christof1674SUI 2w0 42b+ 16w1 15b1 11b1 1w-4020,5
5Herfort Martin2023SUI 29b1 41w+ 17w1 8w1 1b0 7w4020
6Schmutz Michael1741SUI 40b1 1w0 37b1 28w1 14b1 3w4016,5
7Mathyer Raphael1741SUI 16w0 32b1 26w1 17b1 20w1 5b4015,5
8Lapp Karl-Iversen2065SUI 18w1 12b1 28w1 5b0 9w½ 2b03,5019,5
9Willi Patrik1948SUI 30b1 37w1 14b0 12w1 8b½ 15w3,5017,5
10Meier Peter2066SUI 39b½ 29w1 11b1 14w1 3b0 13b3,5017
11Juchli Kurt1768SUI 22b½ 31w1 10w0 30b1 4w0 23b13,5016
12Hugelshofer Martin1770SUI 34w1 8w0 38b1 9b0 23w½ 22w13,5015,5
König Walter1747SUI 31b½ 33w1 20w1 1b0 28b1 10w3,5015,5
14Suter Christian1850SUI 42w1 2b1 9w1 10b0 6w0 19b3021
15Stadtfeld Christoph1854SUI 24b1 3w0 18b1 4w0 29b1 9b3018,5
16Pohl Stefan1300SUI 7b1 17w0 4b0 38w+ 19w0 32w13017,5
17Fleischer Eugen1864SUI 32w1 16b1 5b0 7w0 22b1 18w3017
18Colombo Giacomo1648SUI 8b0 34w1 15w0 26b1 25w1 17b3015,5
19Hugger Marcel1672SUI 3b0 24w0 33b1 35w1 16b1 14w3015
20Capraro Linus1802SUI 35b½ 22w1 13b0 24w1 7b0 21w2,5016,5
Altner Franz1749SUI 36w1 27w0 24b½ 31b1 2w0 20b2,5016,5
Meier Herbert1461SUI 11w½ 20b0 25w1 32b1 17w0 12b02,5016,5
23Kondzic Ben1400SUI 37b0 30w½ 35b½ 39w1 12b½ 11w02,5014,5
24Lauber Jörg1517SUI 15w0 19b1 21w½ 20b0 36w1 29b2,5014
25Riniker Werner1612SUI 27b0 36w½ 22b0 33w1 18b0 34w12,5013,5
26Schmälzle Jonas1400SUI 33b½ 39w½ 7b0 18w0 34b½ 30w12,5013
27Thorsteinsdottir Hallgerdur1981SUI 25w1 21b1 -0 -0 -0 -02020
28Giraudo Nicolo1870SUI 41b+ 35w1 8b0 6b0 13w0 31b2016,5
29Kummerant Eric1641SUI 5w0 10b0 34b1 37w+ 15w0 24w2015,5
30Kaufmann Philipp1600SUI 9w0 23b½ 36b1 11w0 31w½ 26b02015
Malek Piotr1352SUI 13w½ 11b0 42w+ 21w0 30b½ 28w2015
32Duppen Yigal1526SUI 17b0 7w0 40b1 22w0 39b+ 16b02014
Ort Marianne933SUI 26w½ 13b0 19w0 25b0 35b½ -12014
34Strupat Thomas1479SUI 12b0 18b0 29w0 -1 26w½ 25b01,5014
35Keller Franco1506SUI 20w½ 28b0 23w½ 19b0 33w½ 36b1,5012,5
36Nievergelt Ruedi1436SUI 21b0 25b½ 30w0 40w1 24b0 35w1,5011,5
37Tanner Moritz1400SUI 23w1 9b0 6w0 29b- -0 -01017,5
38Roser Patrik1600SUI 1b0 40w1 12w0 16b- -0 -01016,5
39Hunkeler Karl1672SUI 10w½ 26b½ 2w0 23b0 32w- 40w1016
40Polyméris Alex1290SUI 6w0 38b0 32w0 36b0 -1 39b1011,5
41Brinkmann Oliver1536SUI 28w- 5b- -0 -0 -0 -00013,5
42Sirvinskaite Giedre1516SUI 14b0 4w- 31b- -0 -0 -00013

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)