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Last update 07.09.2023 15:35:40, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National

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Starting rank

1Abigail, Karyah22601147LBR1690
2Archie, Dayyeah22601244LBR1683
3Joe, Warwo22602348LBR1682
4Georgina, Sackie22601708LBR1649
5Samuel, Williams22601368LBR1576
6Jacobs, Mitchell22601600LBR1521
7Elijah, Thomas22602496LBR1433
8Harris, Zubah22602208LBR1430
9Matthew, Page22602364LBR1315
10Princess, K. Banney22601201LBR1173
11Austin, Tuwoh22601309LBR0
12Boakai, PrinceLBR0
13Brown, JerryLBR0
14Darius, Gbowreh22601430LBR0
15Dmentrous, Gizee22601457LBR0
16Emmanuel, Gbotee22602623LBR0
17Fahn, JesseLBR0
18Franklin, O. Harry22601597LBR0
19Junior, Taylor22602569LBR0
20Mayson, GeeplahLBR0
21Montel, Moses22602470LBR0
22Montgomery, Beatrice M.LBR0
23Oliver, Mason22602887LBR0
24Randall, James King22602410LBR0
25Sieh, Sharon FaithLBR0
26Tarr, MelvinLBR0
27Teta, Thompson22600345LBR0
28Kemvee, H. Sambola22601287LBR0
29Gee, SamuelLBR0
30Gardea, JohnathanLBR0
31Sheriff, FatuLBR0
32Lewis, AddyLBR0
33Mcgill, Leo J.LBR0
34Sherman, MomoLBR0
35Mbakellah, DavidLBR0
36Garflor, SamuelLBR0