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Cupa Regina Combativa Open

Last update 02.10.2023 13:51:05, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1ITudoroiu Razvan-Catalin1877ROU 8w1 5b1 4w1 2b½ 12w1 6b1 7w½60531,5
2IDumbrava Victor-Andrei1692ROU 10b1 14w1 9b1 1w½ 5b½ 8w1 4b½5,50430,5
3IIRadu Victor Mihai1085ROU 21b1 7w1 6b0 9w0 14b1 18w1 8b150525
4IICervis Jean-Mihai1291ROU 23b1 19w1 1b0 6w1 18b½ 5w1 2w½50426,5
5IIDiaconescu Andrei-Cristian1215ROU 15b1 1w0 10b1 14w1 2w½ 4b0 12w14,50430
6IIOncescu Vlad-Norin1389ROU 24w1 12b½ 3w1 4b0 16w1 1w0 9b14,50427,5
7IIAlexandrou Andreas-Stefan1254ROU 16w1 3b0 24w1 12b0 11w1 19b1 1b½4,50425
8FCDospin Nicola-Diana1015ROU 1b0 15w1 19b1 13w1 9b1 2b0 3w040429
9FCVilcu Mihai-Rares1001ROU 22w1 18b1 2w0 3b1 8w0 12b1 6w040427,5
10FCPirlitu Mihai-Cosmin1007ROU 2w0 20b1 5w0 21b1 19b0 15w1 14b140422,5
11Oancea Catalin-Mugurel0ROU -0 23w1 14b0 15w1 7b0 13w1 18b140422
12IICalin Rares-Ionut1164ROU 17b1 6w½ 13b1 7w1 1b0 9w0 5b03,51330
13IIDraghici Laurian1173ROU 18w½ 22b1 12w0 8b0 24w1 11b0 20w13,50320,5
14IIIordache Sergiu-Andrei1070ROU 20w1 2b0 11w1 5b0 3w0 16b1 10w030329
15FCNica Petru-Radu1001ROU 5w0 8b0 20w1 11b0 22w1 10b0 21w130323,5
16FCMarchidan Eduard Nicolae1001ROU 7b0 21w1 18b0 17w1 6b0 14w0 23b130321
17FCRuse Dumitru-Marian1001ROU 12w0 24b0 22w1 16b0 21w1 20b0 19w130316
18FCPopa Mihai1001ROU 13b½ 9w0 16w1 24b1 4w½ 3b0 11w030226
19FCRuse Stelica Neculai1001ROU 25b+ 4b0 8w0 20b½ 10w1 7w0 17b02,50,5226
20FCVasile Felix-Andrei1001ROU 14b0 10w0 15b0 19w½ 23b1 17w1 13b02,50,5219,5
21FCRusu Marian-Daniel1001ROU 3w0 16b0 23b1 10w0 17b0 22w1 15b021221
22FCColioglu-Matei Marian1018ROU 9b0 13w0 17b0 23w1 15b0 21b0 24w120217,5
23FCChirila Mario-Andrei1001ROU 4w0 11b0 21w0 22b0 20w0 24b1 16w011120
24FCCarligel Cornelia1001ROU 6b0 17w1 7b0 18w0 13b0 23w0 22b010121,5
25IIRadu Mihai-Alexandru1092ROU 19w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000017,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)