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Streatham Library Rapidplay 2023 - Major

Last update 31.12.2023 23:01:55, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Cherniaev, Alexander2395Hackney
2Makepeace, Philip J2170Streatham
3Haldane, Robin W2049Streatham
4Smith, Martin G2016Streatham
5Yu, Rock1993London *
6Lishoy Gengis Paratazham, Dildarav1945Surrey Juniors
7Rahman, K Azizur1838Battersea
8Alcock, Graham P1833Surbiton
9Llewellyn, Julian D1773Muswell Hill
10Seman, Myroslav1753Oxford/Cowley *
11Li, Harvey1674London Sw *
12Ritchie, Paul1656Streatham
13Malet, Arnaud1654London Se *
14Mospan, Edward1412Kingston
15Inzani, Michael Pl0Kings Head
16Quattrone, Andrea0Battersea