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SUBOTA 09.09.2023. ŠESTO KOLO POČINJE U 10:00 sati !

Pojedinacno prvenstvo Srbije za veterane 2023 sekcija 50+

Last update 09.09.2023 17:22:42, Creator/Last Upload: Belgrade Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1GMAntic, Dejan901008SRB2368S50
2GMTodorovic, Goran M900168SRB2310S50
3GMDrazic, Sinisa901172SRB2282S50
4IMRadlovacki, Jovan907430SRB2266S50
5IMKovacevic, Predrag901180SRB2229S50
6Petrusic, Velimir922676SRB2068S50
7Stamatovic, Aleksandar928526SRB2005S50
8Becelic, Dejan934887SRB1987S50
9Radosevic, Nenad906395SRB1966S50
10Andric, Sinisa906700SRB1930S50
11WFMNestorovic, Irena915122SRB1891wS50
12Djordjevic, Zoran To948853SRB1840S50
13Maslar, Ljubisa955019SRB1636S50
14Denic, Slavisa991805SRB1629S50