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Шахматна есен 2023 - Б Турнир - U12 и U14 - Шумен - 07.10.2023

Last update 07.10.2023 19:27:38, Creator/Last Upload: 2942402 Panayotov, Petromir NA

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Starting rank

1Ildana Kantserova13739867KAZ1260U14Kazakhstan
2Alexsandar Petkov2942712BUL1206U14CC "Shumen"
3Ege Esmer2942631BUL1199U12SCC "Shumen"
4Zhivko Kaloyanov2942690BUL1140U12SCC "Shumen"
5Norayr Shahbazyan2948290BUL1140U12SCC "Shumen"
6Kristiyan Aleksandrov2949865BUL1100U12CC "Varna"
7Ivan Todorov2942062BUL1078U12CC "Varna"
8Ivaylo R Todorov2947927BUL1071U12CC "Misionis"
9Vitomir Arnaudov2948125BUL0U12SCC "Shumen"
10Martin Atanasov2953277BUL0U12SCC "Shumen"
11Teodor Georgiev2955121BUL0U12SCC "Shumen"
12Zheko Hadzhiivanov2955130BUL0U14SCC "Shumen"
13Kaloyan Hristev2956250BUL0U12CC "Kaissa"
14Viktor Imperov2956861BUL0U14CC "Abritus"
15Ivo Ivanov2956870BUL0U14CC "Prustus"
16Ivan Parakevov2948001BUL0U12SCC "Shumen"
17Milan Puhlev2956900BUL0U14CC "Pristis"
18Velislav Slavov2957612BUL0U14SCC "Shumen"
19Tonislav Tonchev2948338BUL0U12SCC "Shumen"
20Samuil Velkov2950634BUL0U12CC "Varna"
21Ivaylo Vladov2957744BUL0U14SCC "Shumen"