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Round 9 starts at 10:00

Asian Amateur Chess Championship Women 2023

Last update 03.09.2023 12:22:10, Creator/Last Upload: Pahlevanzadeh

Player overview for UZB

10Mansurova Mumtozbegim1599UZB11½1100½165Women
42Rozumbetova Yulduz0UZB000000000042Women

Results of the last round for UZB

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
9522Aadhya Jain r13865 0 - 15 Mansurova Mumtozbegim159910
92342Rozumbetova Yulduz00 0 not paired 

Player details for UZB

Mansurova Mumtozbegim 1599 UZB Rp:1622 Pts. 6
131Al Khoori Noora Mahmood Abdulla1181UAE4,5w 1
227Ahoud Eisa Bashkardi1225UAE5,5s 1
325AFMAsudani Ruhani Raj1317IND5w ½
415WCMTharushi T H D Niklesha1521SRI6s 1
57Sachi Jain r1690IND6s 1
63WCMRouda Essa Alserkal1775UAE8w 0
717Gamage Desandhi Dhihansa1495SRI7s 0
82Amarjargal Enkhbayar1881MGL5w ½
922Aadhya Jain r1386IND5s 1
Rozumbetova Yulduz 0 UZB Pts. 0
121Rayan Mohammad Ali Hassan1395UAE3w 0
228Shamma Khalfan Alsuwaidi1208UAE4- 0K
335Jawaher Khalil1084UAE4- 0K
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0