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2nd Cambridge International Open

Last update 24.02.2024 15:54:06, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

Player overview for NOR

54CMBlauhut Holger2016NOR½0½½1½½½154420-8,00
65WFMHagesather Nina1973NOR011100000310020-40,60
118Blauhut Anna1532NOR100½001½031044042,40

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
CMBlauhut Holger20164 1 - 04 Lazarus Simon E1845
Mcmahon Paul18623 1 - 03 WFMHagesather Nina1973
Wheatley Wilfred18643 1 - 03 Blauhut Anna1532

Player details for NOR

CM Blauhut Holger 2016 NOR Rp:1975 Pts. 5
125FMDishman Stephen2273ENG5w ½0,32206,40
229Gluma Christian2219GER5s 0-0,2420-4,80
3104Wynarczyk Raymond1712ENG4w ½-0,3620-7,20
491Woods Yannick1817IRL4s ½-0,2620-5,20
5110Chan Michelle Ngo Yu1681ENG3,5w 10,12202,40
631FMKaramsetty Jeevan2188USA5s ½0,23204,60
781AGMSkettos Nicolas1894CYP5w ½-0,1720-3,40
8100Zhang Junyi1763ENG4,5s ½-0,3120-6,20
989Lazarus Simon E1845ENG4w 10,27205,40
WFM Hagesather Nina 1973 NOR Rp:1810 Pts. 3
195Lenton Oliver J1787ENG2,5s 0-0,7420-14,80
293Baguley John1790ENG3w 10,26205,20
394Alderson John Ka1788ENG3,5s 10,26205,20
4116Prince Alan R1641ENG3s 10,12202,40
525FMDishman Stephen2273ENG5w 0-0,1520-3,00
620FMYork-Weaving Richard2343ENG6w 0-0,1120-2,20
742Waller Dan2110ENG5s 0-0,3220-6,40
892Yu Rock1817ENG5w 0-0,7120-14,20
987Mcmahon Paul1862ENG4s 0-0,6520-13,00
Blauhut Anna 1532 NOR Rp:1691 Pts. 3
1-bye- --- 1
256WCMPert Nina P2010ENG3,5w 0-0,1140-4,40
374Dierssen Garcã­a-Barredo Guillermo1937ESP5s 0-0,1140-4,40
472Smart Michael R1943ENG3w ½0,394015,60
578Gooding Ian1910ENG3,5s 0-0,1140-4,40
694Alderson John Ka1788ENG3,5s 0-0,1940-7,60
798Gardner Phillip K1769ENG2w 10,804032,00
888De Coverly Roger D1852ENG3,5w ½0,374014,80
986Wheatley Wilfred1864ENG4s 0-0,1240-4,80