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2nd Cambridge International Open

Last update 24.02.2024 15:54:06, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

Player overview for DEN

14IMHaubro Martin2421DEN11011½11½731015,40

Results of the last round for DEN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMHaubro Martin2421 ½ - ½6 IMRoberson Peter T2426

Player details for DEN

IM Haubro Martin 2421 DEN Rp:2540 Pts. 7
143Okhai Shabir2104ENG4,5w 10,13101,30
247Brett Andrew R2085ENG4,5s 10,12101,20
39IMWillow Jonah B2445ENG6w 0-0,4710-4,70
431FMKaramsetty Jeevan2188USA5s 10,21102,10
550Rushbrooke Remy2049ENG4,5w 10,11101,10
62GMSonis Francesco2570ITA5,5s ½0,20102,00
77IMRoyal Shreyas2483ENG5,5w 10,59105,90
83GMTiviakov Sergei2534NED7s 10,65106,50
913IMRoberson Peter T2426ENG6,5w ½0,01100,10