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Kellogg's National Junior Chess Championship 2023 - U16

Last update 19.08.2023 19:59:49, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Mohamed, Raakin Fayaz16704177MDV1375
2Ikaan, Waleed16700651MDV1346
3Ahmed, Aathik Haleem16701348MDV1326
4Akil, Ihsan Mustafa16701836MDV1308
5Yoosuf, Sajiu Sajeer16701828MDV1175
6Dhaan Madheeh Mohamed,16705050MDV0
7Hassan Uzain Muaddu,16705068MDV0
8Kaif, Mohamed Mausoom16704576MDV0
9Moosa, Humam Saleem16701810MDV0
10Muhammadh Yamaan Shaneez,16705041MDV0
11Shinan Muneer, Saneem Mohamed16701615MDV0
12Umair, Bin Hassan Shiham16703421MDV0
13Yoosuf, Uwais Abdul Latheef16701933MDV0