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DR KKD Meiringspark - U12

Last update 19.08.2023 13:15:43, Creator/Last Upload: Jacobus Fouche

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Starting rank

1Van Der Westhuizen, ThomasRSA874
2Molefe, His-Eminennce TRSA859
3Myburgh, BraydanRSA853
4Hall, JohanRSA827
5Gouws, ChristiaanRSA778
6Welgemoed, EthanRSA775
7Cassim, Muhammed ZidaanRSA753
8Jordaan, MarcoRSA708
9Moloantoa, BoipeloRSA707
10Simka, OfentseRSA687
11Molapo, KarabeloRSA676
12Appels, Chathem JordanRSA667
13Harding, AidenRSA666
14Simelane, MinehleRSA659
15Van Jaarsveld, GianRSA653
16Van Zyl, DylanRSA634
17Rheder, DihanRSA584
18Stols, ZenicaRSA524
19Dlungwana, EndinaloRSA523
20Molete, NeoRSA500
21Lemotlo, Siyabonga KeoraRSA0