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TR Rapid 2023 August #3

Last update 16.08.2023 00:16:16, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Ranking crosstable after Round 5

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Prudnikov Andrey2078UKR 11w1 21b1 19w1 8b1 3w150514
2Jonsson Pall G1789ISL 7w0 6b1 11w1 9b1 8w140415,5
3Gudmundsson Kristofer Orri1844ISL 25b1 28w1 10b1 7w1 1b040413,5
4Ghasemi Mohammadhossein1657ISL 27b1 7w0 25b1 14w1 13b140411,5
5Rezaei Heris Hadi1679IRI 22b1 18w½ 16b½ 20w1 10b140312
6Vigfusson Robert Orn1263ISL 17b½ 2w0 22b1 16w1 7b13,50314
7Barrios Larry1295ISL 2b1 4b1 12w1 3b0 6w030318,5
8Hafdisarson Anton Reynir1490ISL 24b1 16w1 18b1 1w0 2b030316
9Valgeirsson Gudmundur Ingi1206ISL 14b1 10w0 15b1 2w0 23b130315
10Bjornsson Harald1625ISL 32w1 9b1 3w0 19b1 5w030313,5
11Njardarson Arnar Ingi1440ISL 1b0 26w1 2b0 27w1 20b130313,5
12Eliasson Kristjan Orn1838ISL 20b1 15w1 7b0 13w0 17b130313,5
13Bjarnason Tomas Bogi1323ISL 16b0 24w1 28b1 12b1 4w030312,5
14Thorarinsson Stefan0ISL 9w0 27w1 23b1 4b0 21w130312
15Hauksson Helgi1490ISL 29w1 12b0 9w0 26b1 22w130310,5
16Haraldsson Haraldur1841ISL 13w1 8b0 5w½ 6b0 19w12,50215,5
17Eliasson Jon Steinn1673ISL 6w½ 19b0 32w1 18b1 12w02,50211,5
18Gudmundsson Petur Steinn1489ISL 31b1 5b½ 8w0 17w0 28b12,50211,5
19Sigurdarson Arni Valur0ISL 23b1 17w1 1b0 10w0 16b020215
20Jonasson Hordur1319ISL 12w0 29b1 21w1 5b0 11w020213
21Jonsson Logi Runar1543ISL 26b1 1w0 20b0 25w1 14b020213
22Gunnarsson Hallgrimur1285ISL 5w0 31b1 6w0 28w1 15b020212,5
23Kristjansson Aegir Orn1461ISL 19w0 32b1 14w0 30b1 9w020210
24Gudmundsson Eirikur Orri1124ISL 8w0 13b0 30w0 29b1 27b12029,5
25Sigurvaldason Hjalmar1419ISL 3w0 30b1 4w0 21b0 26w½1,50,5113
26Kristbergsson Bjorgvin1186ISL 21w0 11b0 31w1 15w0 25b½1,50,5110,5
27Eiriksson Theodor1249ISL 4w0 14b0 29w1 11b0 24w010113
28Jimenez Ricardo1492ISL 30w1 3b0 13w0 22b0 18w010113
29Johannesson Petur1081ISL 15b0 20w0 27b0 24w0 31b11019
30Gylfason Birkir Blaer1168ISL 28b0 25w0 24b1 23w0 -01018,5
31Sverrisson Egill Ossur1021ISL 18w0 22w0 26b0 32b1 29w01017,5
32Sturluson Sigurdur Mar1228ISL 10b0 23w0 17b0 31w0 -11008,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)