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47th Guernsey International Chess Festival - Challengers Tournament

Last update 21.10.2023 15:58:15, Creator: Chess Federation of central Serbia,Last Upload: Guernsey Chess Federation

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Round 5 on 2023/10/19 at 14:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11Hoogakker, Peter1877 0 - 1 Nevska, Gerda17653
29Dam, Karsten16653 0 - 13 Dennis, Nigel W17922
312Walker, Elmira1626 1 - 03 Berkley, Stephen W159516
428Rijsdijk, Peter0 1 - 0 Steinbergs, Viktors17634
520Reink, Geerhard1520 0 - 1 Finch, Russell161913
65Turner, David J17502 ½ - ½2 Goris-Schouwstra, Adry17157
78Jongerius, Marc16952 0 - 12 De Lisle, Daniel139025
811Poldermans, Daan1629 ½ - ½2 Harnden, Terry152419
921Bernard, Christopher1516 ½ - ½ Remie, Peter17286
1010Goman, Colin1636 ½ - ½ Ashbrooke, Monika139624
1122Royle, Nick15061 0 - 1 Gunn, Michael J156717
1214Collins, Alan16121 1 - 01 Flanagan, Keith144323
1327Hill, Jonathan0 ½ - ½0 Bennett, David138026
1415Clare, Steve16090 0 not paired 
1518Rowe, Oliver15411 ½ not paired