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2023 World Rapid Team Championship

Last update 28.08.2023 20:37:24, Creator: alexholowczak,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

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Team-Composition without round-results

  6. Ashdod Elit Chess Club (RtgAvg:2407 / TB1: 13 / TB2: 448) Captain: Slav, Moshe
1GMEljanov, Pavel2641UKR141029514112492
2GMVolokitin, Andrei2627UKR141070906102571
3GMFridman, Daniel2567GER116004543,562439
4GMSmirin, Ilia2540ISR2801990472378
5GMAlekseev, Evgeny2526ISR4138147242486
6GMGalperin, Platon2438SWE141654144,5102404
7GMMuzychuk, Mariya2470UKR14114550w692348
8WGMManakova, Maria2168SRB927007w1,532234
9Blonder, Daniel1688ISR2841754r6121771