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47th Guernsey International Chess Festival - Open Tournament

Last update 21.10.2023 14:51:35, Creator: Chess Federation of central Serbia,Last Upload: Guernsey Chess Federation

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Round 1 on 2023/10/15 at 14:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11IMGrieve, Harry24580 1 - 00 Strade, Arita192619
220Campbell, Ian19200 0 - 10 GMGormally, Daniel W24432
33GMArkell, Keith C23550 1 - 00 Hawkins, James N H190721
422De Kruif, Kees18870 0 - 10 FMGiulian, Philip M20814
55Punnett, Alan K20710 ½ - ½0 Goris, Ton188123
624Dijksterhuis, Rolf18720 ½ - ½0 Wager, John D20476
77Dilleigh, Stephen P20310 0 - 10 Giulian, Rosemary A186625
826CMForbes, Garry18340 0 - 10 Curtis, John E20218
99CMThurlow, Kevin J20200 1 - 00 Gravett, Alan D181027
1028Stockham, Oliver18060 0 - 10 FMHamperl, Fred199810
1111Kraft, Karl-Heinz Prof. Dr.19930 1 - 00 Kennedy, Craig179729
1231Morgan, Jamie17740 ½ - ½0 CMRosen, Daniel B198112
1313Collier, David O19680 1 - 00 Kirk, Matthew174732
1433Downey, Keith17420 0 - 10 Santos, Joao Artur Almeida196414
1515Browning, Isaac19620 1 - 00 Murray, J Stephen170234
1636Hertog, Alexander16260 1 - 00 Heppell, Ian N194417
1718CMRowe, Peter19380 ½ - ½0 Van Ree, Thailo037
1816Levesque, Guillaume19520 ½ not paired 
1930Ingham, H William17870 ½ not paired 
2035Cheng, Louis16920 ½ not paired