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West Rand at Bastion Rooks

Last update 07.08.2023 16:58:57, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Tshabadira

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Starting rank

1Kalimashe, Tshireletso1186
2Tibane, Hanyani1081
3Bezu, Reabetswe1070
4Klaas, Oyintanda1046
5Bassie, Unathi1043
6Mutsambwa, Trevor1016
7Roos, Shani1025
8Terblanche, Johann984
9Ngobeni, Ntumbuluko983
10Morare, Katleho977
11Jonker, Reagan925
12Pretorius, Xhiann905
13Badenhorst, Junaid896
14Rourke, Ethan891
15Mthembu, Jabulani887
16Kgotse, Thoriso882
17Fourie, Johannes Marthi871
18Mare, Jonathan859
19Nhambi, Emily839