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JMC Closed Aug2023 U10

Last update 06.08.2023 17:08:00, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank

1Eapen, JohanRSA1259
2Thorulsley, KairaavRSA1206
3Stelloh, SebastianRSA925
4Prinsloo, NicholasRSA903
5Prinsloo, AlexanderRSA881
6Ma, MatthewRSA870
7Venter, ElkeRSA849
8Joubert, JoshuaRSA833
9Pillay, YishaiRSA820
10Mannar, AaryanRSA775
11Exarchos, IsabellaRSA730
12Brits, EtienneRSA656
13Shi, PeiqiRSA618
14Dippenaar, LianRSA617
15Subroyen, JeeveshRSA597
16Akole, SaraRSA569
17Taylor, KayleeRSA564
18Le Kay, AlexaRSA537
19Steyn, Mari-LouiseRSA534
20Kwint, JackRSA507
21Tabilo Lillo, MarceloRSA502
22Chauke, NokukhanyaRSA500
23Chinoruma, MakaRSA500
24Dlamini, AsandaRSA500