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BSJ-Schnellschach-Serie U9

Last update 16.09.2023 13:32:19, Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Bremen-Nord

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Starting rank

1Edwin Wachtel855SK Bremen-Nord
2Zhaoyang Yao830SF Lilienthal von 1971
3Moritz Romberg759SAbt TV Eiche Horn
4Bernhard Kohlmann0Sfr.Osterholz-Scharmbeck
5Fabian Borchers0SAbt SV Werder Bremen
6Mattis Leppin0Findorffer Sfr
7Nils Mertens0SF Lilienthal von 1971
8Sebastian Meckel0SK Bremen-Nord
9Sripada Adusumilli0SK Bremen-Nord
10Tammo Mettenbrink0Findorffer Sfr
11Timo Kollmann0SAbt TV Eiche Horn
12William Kandora0Freizi Bremerhaven