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2023 FIDE Grand Swiss

Last update 05.11.2023 21:45:32, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for AUS

94GMKuybokarov Temur2584AUS1½½½½0½½1½½63327161019,30Open

Results of the last round for AUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMKuybokarov Temur2584 ½ - ½ GMBartel Mateusz2651

Player details for AUS

GM Kuybokarov Temur 2584 AUS Rp:2716 Pts. 6
137GMMatlakov Maxim2674FID6w 1106,20
231GMTabatabaei M. Amin2685IRI6s ½101,40
335GMAbasov Nijat2679AZE4,5w ½101,30
427GMFedoseev Vladimir2691SLO6,5s ½101,50
539GMBacrot Etienne2669FRA6,5w ½101,20
645GMKorobov Anton2658UKR6s 010-4,00
762GMMamedov Rauf2640AZE6w ½100,80
853GMMelkumyan Hrant2650ARM4,5s ½100,90
95GMGukesh D2758IND5w 1107,30
1011GMYu Yangyi2720CHN6s ½101,80
1151GMBartel Mateusz2651POL6w ½100,90