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UKCC East Kent Megafinal 2023 - U18(incU14)

Last update 18.06.2023 17:50:16, Creator/Last Upload: UKCC

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Starting rank

1KWOK, Lucas1596U18Canterbury *
2ALLEN, George1581U18Sandwich
3WEEDON, Oscar1405U14Ashtead
4PINNA-CHAPMAN, Freya1360wU14Hastings & St Leonards
5HAYHOE, Joshua1189U14Sheldwich
6CHRISTENSEN, Oscar1185U14Folkestone Junior
7HART, Nico1183U14Bridge
8SIMPSON, Bayley1176U14Broadstairs
9BROUGH, Auden0U14Canterbury *
10CHEETHAM, Ben0U18Aylesbury *
11EDMUNDS, Ophelia0wU14Folkestone *
12GHASEMI, Samson0U14Sandwich
13MARSDEN, Samuel0U14Broadstairs *
14MILLS, Samuel0U14Whitstable
15RANADIVE, Omkar0U14Canterbury Junior
16RICHLEY, Bethany0wU14Folkestone *
17ZAMFIR, Damian0U14Canterbury *