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Canadian Transnational 2023 - Rapid Crown

Last update 05.06.2023 01:54:40, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 34)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd TB1 
1GMLiang Awonder2508USA 28b½ 16w1 27b1 9w0 10b1 12w0 22w1 25b1 3w1 6w1 7b18,5
2GMPreotu Razvan2532CAN 27b½ 28w½ 32b1 22w1 9b1 6b0 3w0 20w1 11b1 7w1 8b18
IMRodrigue-Lemieux Shawn2398CAN 9b0 30w½ 16b1 29w1 5b½ 11w1 2b1 12w1 1b0 4w1 6b18
4GMNeiksans Arturs2546LAT 18b0 29w½ 31b1 7w½ 15b1 27w1 20w1 6b½ 8w½ 3b0 9b17
GMMeshkovs Nikita2531LAT 23w1 22b0 24w1 26b½ 3w½ 7b0 18w1 11w0 10b1 20w1 13b17
GMCruz Cristhian2506PER 31b1 18w1 22w1 20b1 12b1 2w1 9b½ 4w½ 7w0 1b0 3w07
GMKantans Toms2380LAT 25w1 12w½ 11b½ 4b½ 26w½ 5w1 30b1 9w1 6b1 2b0 1w07
8GMLenderman Alex2646USA 22b0 23w0 34b1 32w1 30b½ 10w1 29b1 16w1 4b½ 9w½ 2w06,5
GMBruzon Batista Lazaro2608USA 3w1 10b½ 21w1 1b1 2w0 20b1 6w½ 7b0 12w1 8b½ 4w06,5
IMSamsonkin Artiom2448CAN 33w1 9w½ 12b0 23b1 1w0 8b0 28w1 29b1 5w0 17b1 18w16,5
11GMBartel Mateusz2540POL 15w1 21b½ 7w½ 13b1 20w0 3b0 17w1 5b1 2w0 18b½ 16w½6
GMMatviishen Victor2523UKR 34w1 7b½ 10w1 19b1 6w0 1b1 25w½ 3b0 9b0 13w0 21b16
GMAlmeida Quintana Omar2478CUB 24w0 33b1 28w1 11w0 27b0 25b0 34w1 15b1 26w1 12b1 5w06
IMMsellek Ilyass2363MAR 16b½ 27w0 30b0 31w1 29b0 21w0 33b1 24w1 19b1 22w½ 20b16
IMVettese Nicholas2329CAN 11b0 19w0 33b1 28b1 4w0 16w0 21b1 13w0 27b1 30w1 22b16
16GMOrtiz Suarez Isan Reynaldo2563CUB 14w½ 1b0 3w0 17b½ 34w1 15b1 26w1 8b0 18w0 23b1 11b½5,5
GMBosiocic Marin2523CRO 32b0 31w½ 29b0 16w½ 24b1 19w1 11b0 30w1 22b½ 10w0 26b15,5
IMSai Krishna G V2344IND 4w1 6b0 19b0 24w1 25w0 26b1 5b0 27w1 16b1 11w½ 10b05,5
19GMBareev Evgeny2659CAN 21w0 15b1 18w1 12w0 22b0 17b0 31w1 26b0 14w0 33w1 30b15
IMNoritsyn Nikolay2508CAN 29w1 24b1 26w1 6w0 11b1 9w0 4b0 2b0 23w1 5b0 14w05
IMPosthuma Joshua2429USA 19b1 11w½ 9b0 30w0 23w0 14b1 15w0 28b½ 32w1 29b1 12w05
GMSzabo Gergely-Andras-Gyula2398ROU 8w1 5w1 6b0 2b0 19w1 30w½ 1b0 23b½ 17w½ 14b½ 15w05
IMPlotkin Mark2287CAN 5b0 8b1 25w½ 10w0 21b1 29w0 27b1 22w½ 20b0 16w0 32b15
FMAtanasov Anthony2160CAN 13b1 20w0 5b0 18b0 17w0 33b1 32w½ 14b0 31w1 27w½ 28b15
25GMMoradiabadi Elshan2566USA 7b0 34w1 23b½ 27w½ 18b1 13w1 12b½ 1w0 -0 -0 -04,5
GMSambuev Bator2478CAN 30b1 32w1 20b0 5w½ 7b½ 18w0 16b0 19w1 13b0 28b½ 17w04,5
IMReprintsev Alexander2318UKR 2w½ 14b1 1w0 25b½ 13w1 4b0 23w0 18b0 15w0 24b½ 33w14,5
FMPlotkin Victor2218CAN 1w½ 2b½ 13b0 15w0 32b1 31w½ 10b0 21w½ 34b1 26w½ 24w04,5
WGMCervantes Landeiro Thalia2172USA 20b0 4b½ 17w1 3b0 14w1 23b1 8w0 10w0 30b½ 21w0 31b½4,5
30CMJaferian Koosha2160IRI 26w0 3b½ 14w1 21b1 8w½ 22b½ 7w0 17b0 29w½ 15b0 19w04
31WGMHernandez Moya Yuleisy2170CUB 6w0 17b½ 4w0 14b0 33w1 28b½ 19b0 34w½ 24b0 32b½ 29w½3,5
32WGMBurtasova Anna2265CAN 17w1 26b0 2w0 8b0 28w0 34b1 24b½ 33w0 21b0 31w½ 23w03
33WIMKantane Anna2099POL 10b0 13w0 15w0 34b0 31b0 24w0 14w0 32b1 35w1 19b0 27b02
34FMPuri Vinny2227CAN 12b0 25b0 8w0 33w1 16b0 32w0 13b0 31b½ 28w0 -0 -01,5
35Belcadi Salim1648CAN -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 33b0 -0 -00

Tie Break1: points (game-points)