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37th Maestro Closed Classical Chess Tournament 27th & 28th May 2023 (Entries Closed)

Last update 28.05.2023 14:59:18, Creator/Last Upload: G NAVYA KRISHNA

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Bharat Kumar Reddy Poluri2155IND 20w1 19b1 13w1 5b1 2w1 4b½5,5202320,75
2Sai Mahati A1609IND 32w1 24b1 18w1 10b1 1b0 11w15182014,50
3Shivamshika G1267IND 36w1 12b0 30w1 19b1 10w1 8b1515,51713,50
4Velpula Sarayu1835IND 14b1 16w½ 6b1 29w1 11b½ 1w½4,519,522,516,25
5Praveen Prasad P.2154IND 25b1 9w1 15b1 1w0 7b0 18w142022,513,00
6Ehaan Shaikh1528IND 21w½ 17b1 4w0 34b+ 16b1 7w½418,52113,00
7Naga Sai Sarthak Karanam1573IND 22w1 10b0 20w1 18b½ 5w1 6b½4172013,25
8Anmol Mathur1184IND 34w0 28b1 24w1 35b+ 12b1 3w041719,511,50
9Nidhish Shyamal1443IND 33w1 5b0 22w½ 21b½ 20w1 23w14161811,00
10FMRamu K.2197IND 31b1 7w1 12b1 2w0 3b0 14w½3,5212311,25
11Ramadugu Akshay1844IND 35w1 18b0 23w1 14b1 4w½ 2b03,5192211,75
12Challa Saharsha1602IND 37b1 3w1 10w0 15b1 8w0 17b½3,51920,511,75
13Garimella Srivallabhaditya1555IND 40b1 29w1 1b0 16w½ 18b½ 15w½3,518,519,59,00
14AFMRohan Kumar Gourabathuni1412IND 4w0 21b1 36w1 11w0 22b1 10b½3,517,5199,25
15AFMGoddeti Hima Tejaswini1405IND 28w1 34b1 5w0 12w0 21b1 13b½3,51719,510,25
16Rithwik Reddy Upparigudam1272IND 30w1 4b½ 34w½ 13b½ 6w0 24b13,5171910,00
17Durga Karthika Lellapalli1258IND 38b1 6w0 29b0 32w1 30b1 12w½3,514156,75
18Irondla Akash Kumar1385IND 26b1 11w1 2b0 7w½ 13w½ 5b032022,59,75
19Surya Alakanti1448IND 27b1 1w0 31b1 3w0 23b0 25w1318206,50
20Sahejdeep Kaur1208IND 1b0 25w1 7b0 36w1 9b0 30w131819,56,00
21Aarohi Mathur1087IND 6b½ 14w0 26b1 9w½ 15w0 31b1317198,25
22Arnav Krishna Sripadam1113IND 7b0 38w1 9b½ 24w½ 14w0 33b1316176,25
23Samhita Pungavanam1248IND 29b0 27w1 11b0 33w1 19w1 9b0315,517,57,00
24Satyanarayna Murthy Pvv1270IND 39b1 2w0 8b0 22b½ 28w1 16w02,517,518,55,00
25Arka Ram Mahankali1045IND 5w0 20b0 40b½ 37w1 26w1 19b02,514154,50
26Tapadiya Earth1015IND 18w0 35b½ 21w0 27w1 25b0 32b12,513,515,55,50
27Anaya Agarwal1087IND 19w0 23b0 28w½ 26b0 -1 37w12,512,513,53,75
28Sai V S T1041IND 15b0 8w0 27b½ 40w1 24b0 38w12,512,513,53,00
29Kushal O2294IND 23w1 13b0 17w1 4b0 -0 -0218216,50
30Akshith Done0IND 16b0 37w1 3b0 31w1 17w0 20b021718,53,50
31Nandyala Sri Rithik Reddy1212IND 10w0 33b1 19w0 30b0 36b1 21w0213,5153,50
32Rithika Edula1129IND 2b0 39w½ 37b½ 17b0 38w1 26w0213,514,52,25
33Ishaan Kandi1063IND 9b0 31w0 38b1 23b0 40w1 22w0213142,00
34Dhruva Thota1995IND 8b1 15w0 16b½ 6w- -0 -01,51719,55,25
35Thota Hrithika1183IND 11b0 26w½ 39b1 8w- -0 -01,515162,25
36Sreesha Kandi0IND 3b0 40w1 14b0 20b0 31w0 39b½1,514,515,51,50
37Gagan Tellagorla1116IND 12w0 30b0 32w½ 25b0 39w1 27b01,512132,00
38Surya Akhil Lellapalli0IND 17w0 22b0 33w0 39w1 32b0 28b0113141,00
39Hartejpal Singh0IND 24w0 32b½ 35w0 38b0 37b0 36w½110,511,51,75
40Sahasra Samudrala1102IND 13w0 36b0 25w½ 28b0 33b0 -00,51213,51,25

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable