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ActonZonalRapidplay - EJCOA June

Last update 03.06.2023 19:17:44, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Chong, James351130ENG1129U12
2Da Fonseca, Felix350284ENG1037U12
3Patel, Parisa328603ENG897wU10
4Saxena, Reyansh352859ENG866U10
5Krishna, Vedansh345457ENG826U8
6Chong, David355761ENG820U10
7Corredor, Marc355912ENG715U10
8Dodhia, Neev353982ENG619U8
9Virmani, Samarth354869ENG556U8
10O'brien, Benjamin348499ENG554U8
11Vaswani, Niam353988ENG536U8
12Sharma, Rishita354831ENG438wU8
13Korytnyak, Michael354532ENG405U8
14Dhesi, Karam0ENG0U12
15Kaan, Ulu355756ENG0U10