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European School Chess Championships 2023 - U7

Last update 21.05.2023 13:16:50, Creator: Albanian Chess Federation,Last Upload: Aleksander Sokolski

Player overview for SRB

24Brankovic Uros0SRB01010001141600,00U15
3Arsenijevic Matija0SRB1101011117300,00U07
14Smilic Nina0SRB½0101002,51200,00G9

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Qerimi Aron11562 0 - 13 Brankovic Uros0
Horodny Myron04 0 - 16 Arsenijevic Matija0
Dograshvili Marta10943 1 - 0 Smilic Nina0

Player details for SRB

Brankovic Uros 0 SRB Rp:1499 Pts. 4
112Pusara Mihailo1694MNE5w 0
217Mani Ron1428KOS2,5s 1
314Gulumov Muthat1641AZE5s 0
418Mitushev Adrian1364BUL4w 1
516Milovic Ilija1603MNE4s 0
68Sozat Arda1776TUR4w 0
74Pehar Borna2023CRO5w 0
8-bye- --- 1
922Qerimi Aron1156ALB2s 1
Arsenijevic Matija 0 SRB Rp:1220 Pts. 7
111Pereira Hans0NED5,5s 1
212Przygodzki Wojciech0POL4w 1
314Sahin Bora0TUR8,5s 0
416Wasilko Antoni0POL5w 1
55Huzela Lukyan0UKR8s 0
615Vanjinathan Ilankathir0IRL5s 1
710Nemsitsveridze Giorgi0GEO6w 1
82Abbasov Elmir0AZE4,5w 1
94Horodny Myron0UKR4s 1
Smilic Nina 0 SRB Rp:963 Pts. 2,5
17Bekar Berrak0TUR3,5s ½
21Anistoroaei Maria1220ROU4,5w 0
312Przygodzka Emilia0POL1s 1
411Molchanova Tetyana0UKR3s 0
56Ballabani Arla0ALB0w 1
62Nguyen Doan Bao Anh Angelina1139POL5w 0
74Dograshvili Marta1094GEO4s 0