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1er Tournoi fermé à norme de MI du Pays de Bray

Senast uppdaterad21.05.2023 14:43:09, Creator/Last Upload: Stephen Boyd ffe

Lista över spelare

5IMRoshka, Yevgeniy14129558UKR2508
8GMDgebuadze, Alexandre203882BEL2435
9FMDecuigniere, Tom26093820FRA2396
2GMNikcevic, Nebojsa901776MNE2373
3FMDefromont, Benjamin36068829FRA2347
10FMTerekhov, Andrey4121481FRA2314
6FMDubessay, Bastien650048FRA2283
1FMHoeglauer, Patrick1270548GER2280
4FMMouhamad, Joachim656410FRA2238
7FMLefebvre, Herve607363FRA2161