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Ealing RP 3 -EJCOA U12 05

Last update 28.05.2023 09:34:03, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Siddhant Khetan351582IND1464
2Ismail Mallick331215ENG1427
3Xander Lee343120ENG1304
4Maya Keen323884ENG1275w
5Matthew Trimble342983ENG1263
6Leon Railhac340512ENG1254
7Matthea Zhao355551ENG1233w
8Nial Zeynalli344984ENG1221
9Anastasiia Shukhman348322ENG1146w
10Tiara Khanna344854ENG1013w
11Frederick Fenton340461ENG1012
12Krutarth Kulkarni348521ENG996
13Barney Winterburgh348316ENG920
14Carlo Ditti0ENG787
15Edgar Davletov356403ENG0
16Arina Shkolnikova0ENG0w
17Ethan Wahnich340510ENG0