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Ealing RP 3 -EJCOA U10 05

Last update 27.05.2023 19:04:59, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Nicolas Arrojo-Garcia341215ENG1157
2Ashwin Gopikrishna350890ENG1134
3Isaac Li350767ENG1121
4Theodore Tie350067HKG1051
5Niles Zhao345322ENG973
6Khushi Rohit340073ENG897w
7Reyansh Saxena352859ENG835
8Elliot Millen354533ENG813
9Marko Atan348552ENG760
10Graydon Jarvis354031ENG715
11Kirill Enikeev343962ENG442
12Kheon Bhatt355532ENG431
13Marc Corredor355912ENG0