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Dubai Open 2023 - Category B

Last update 04.06.2023 12:47:19, Creator/Last Upload: IA Abdulrahim Mahdi

Player overview for GER

13Kocak Ediz2115GER1111½10016,552019,20Category B

Results of the last round for GER

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Barretto Franz2130 0 - 1 Kocak Ediz2115

Player details for GER

Kocak Ediz 2115 GER Rp:2174 Pts. 6,5
156Jaiveer Mahendru1716IND7,5w 1201,60
259Hussain Hashem1705KUW2,5s 1201,60
330Sabirova Shakhnoza1962UZB2w 1206,00
43CMPrisacaru Stefan-Emilian2194ROU5,5s 12012,20
58FMGavrilov Maxim2157RUS7,5w ½201,20
621Abuazizah Raji2015PLE6,5s 1207,20
717Arellano Bryle2042PHI7,5w 020-12,00
810FMGeorge Micheal Kevin2149EGY6,5w 020-9,00
911Barretto Franz2130PHI5,5s 12010,40