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Campeonato Nacional de Veteranos +50

Last update 10.06.2023 14:20:58, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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1GMFERNANDES, António Manuel de Almeida2361900021POR2334S50P
2IMROCHA, Sérgio Manuel Colaço107451900404POR2312S50P
3NMFERNANDES, Alberto Manuel de Almeida2371900277POR2094S50P
4SANTOS, Micael Costa117851901885POR1853S50P
5GABOLEIRO, Guilherme Filipe Salgado102721901923POR1789S50P
6REIS, Luis Simões dos70671901940POR1774S50P
7SILVA, Reinaldo João David Batista da94581971085POR1772S50P
8FERNANDES, Paulo José Martins82191901591POR1702S50P
9MIRANDA, Raúl Augusto Barros2711960660POR1698S50P
10PINTO, António Manuel Fontelas Noguei111531951173POR1565S50P
11SILVA, Madalena Cristina Carvalho Far90961903322POR1563wS50P
12OLIVEIRA, Fernando Alves284391947869POR1513S50P
13CORREIA, Pedro Mourão Soares128871959522POR1470S50P
14GONÇALVES, Carlos Manuel Marques155411912879POR1460S50P
15MAISSA, Susana Flora Cesana377461954202POR1427wS50P
16BRAVO, Ricardo António Rodrigues Guer134681906992POR1422S50P
17CAVADAS, José Manuel Gonçalves81881904990POR1417S50P