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Ealing Rapidplay 2 - EJCOA U14 04

Last update 30.04.2023 22:52:46, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Lin, Jeremy351726ENG1078ANewham
2Henry, Nathan354631ENG950PLondon *
3Rokkam, Dhruv348223ENG860ABarnet Knights
4Millen, Elliot354533ENG847PEaling Junior
5Pongchai, Maxwell350395ENG811KNewham
6Millen, Sacha354534ENG639PLondon W *
7Jarvis, Graydon354031ENG636PLondon Sw *
8Almanov, Michael0ENG0
9Balart, Antoni355690ENG0
10Vasilica, Augustin355700ENG0
11Weber, Leo355684ENG0Richmond/Kew *