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Venue: St Columba's College, King Harry Lane, St Albans AL3 4AW
Car Park: FREE 200+ Spaces

Entry Fee: £35 (ECF Silver/Gold/Platinum Member), £44 (ECF Bronze Member & Unregistered Players)
Prizes: 1st £320, 2nd £160, 3rd £80, Rating (u1950) £80

Cafeteria: Cooked Breakfast from 9.00 am, Lunch from 12.00 noon
Bookstall: Chess & Bridge (
Analysis Room

St Albans Congress: ECF 2050 Challengers

Last update 23.04.2023 18:48:29, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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Starting rank

1Walsh, Matthew2593342010St Albans
2Regan, Natasha11779120054NCL Barbican
3Myall, Ivan1160291998s65Writtle
4Shepley, Julien1295561984Guildford
5Botteley, Michael2256931982Bedford
6Murphy, Kieran1738641978St Albans
7Rubeck, Jonathan01972
8Peat, Matthew1390321967Battersea
9Tart, Peter1294011951Crowthorne
10Blinov, Roman3425911945Oxford/Cowley*
11Ruane, Brendan2883101940Hastings & St Leonards
12Morris, Simon1708361935Hertford
13Staniland, Philip1639771901Wanstead
14Waters, Andrew C1036151898Rainham (Kent)
15Wheeler, James1433591895Hastings & St Leonards
16Figueroa, Edison1372091888Barking
17Burton, Sean3143481877Letchworth & Hitchin
18Mallaghan, Daniel3501521851Northen Ireland
19Pereslavtsev, Alexandr3278031851u14Upminster
20Healeas, Simon2573891850s65Ealing
21Colclough, Ryan3455331753Wanstead
22Wastney, Dylan3225481728u14Reading
23Ward, Cian3148941722Hammersmith
24Pitel, Benedikt3400661638u14Hull