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ITT_ Grupo-Elite_ Kuna Arandu 2012

Last update 14.06.2012 00:39:41, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

Starting rank list of players

2GMDelgado Ramirez NeurisCOL2591
1GMBachmann AxelPAR2566
3GMCubas Jose FernandoPAR2534
9GMVera Gonzalez-Quevedo ReynaldoCUB2489
4GMZambrana OswaldoBOL2467
5IMSoppe GuillermoARG2423
10IMLujan CarolinaARG2367
8Latorre MatiasPAR2235
6IMSanchez Castillo SaraiVEN2234
7IMVillalba MarceloPAR2233