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Ultima ronda: 5 de maig del 2023
Local de joc: CASAL MUNICIPAL DE LA GENT GRAN de CAMBRILS, avgda de S.Joan Bautista de la Salle, 13

Campionat de Veterans de Tarragona 2023

Darrera actualització07.05.2023 18:42:28, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Josep M. Camell Jane

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4 
1Delgado Montanes Jose Antonio 23b0 28b½ 39w1 25w1 30b1 11w1 10b0 3w½5803733,52029
2Saldana Caballe Enric 24w1 14b1 7w1 3b1 5w½ 10w½ 4b1 12w½6,510,53935,52267
3Revilla Ariet Xavier 25b1 16w1 8b1 2w0 10b½ 19w1 5w1 1b½63041372236
4Fernandez Muixi Francesc 26w1 17b1 10w½ 5b½ 11w½ 7b1 2w0 44b½57040,536,52106
5Regue Farran Enric 27b1 18w1 12b1 4w½ 2b½ 8w1 3b0 10w056041,538,52138
6Ventos Navarro Liberto 28w½ 21b1 9w½ 10b0 23b1 12w0 19b½ 25w-3,52303733,51950
7Grau Ferrer Carles 29b1 20w1 2b0 22w1 19b½ 4w0 31b0 -03,52203834,51898
8Rodon Barrufet Josep Maria 30w1 19b1 3w0 33b½ 28w1 5b0 22w1 11b04,512038,534,52026
9Palma Cancino Jose Pablo 31b1 22w½ 6b½ 20w½ 44b- -0 -0 -02,53903430,51919
10Rodriguez Marcos Jose R. 32w1 23b1 4b½ 6w1 3w½ 2b½ 1w1 5b16,520,538,5352291
11Barberans Sola Sebastia 33b0 32w+ 24w1 23w1 4b½ 1b0 28w1 8w15,55033302045
12Romero Mendez Antonio 34w1 35b1 5w0 19b0 33w1 6b1 15w1 2b½5,54034322018
13Pros Perello Jaime 35b0 34w1 25b½ 44w0 29b0 38w1 21b½ 27w1421028,526,51630
14Tolda Andreu Eloi 36w1 2w0 26b½ 28b0 34w1 29b1 44w0 30b03,52603331,51719
15Guasch Murtra Josep Maria 37b½ 44w1 22b½ 30w½ 20b1 31w½ 12b0 19w041803733,51799
16Reverte Garcia Josep 39w1 3b0 28w½ -0 25b0 40w½ 43b1 32w1420032291787
17Tuduri Jerez Manuel 40b1 4w0 30b0 35w1 -0 26b½ 29w½ 28b½3,527032301729
18Roma Sellart Manuel 41w1 5b0 33w0 34b½ 45b1 22w½ 27b1 31w½4,51602927,51745
19Rodriguez Blazquez Marcelo 42b1 8w0 43b1 12w1 7w½ 3b0 6w½ 15b1510031311884
20Lucas Edison 43w1 7b0 35w1 9b½ 15w0 28b0 34w1 26b03,529029271680
21Jove Barbera Josep Lluis 44b½ 6w0 27b1 26w½ 31b0 30w½ 13w½ -0332034311720
22Sanges Montfort Joan 45w1 9b½ 15w½ 7b0 26w1 18b½ 8b0 23w14,51403129,51849
23Romeu De La Cruz Josep 1w1 10w0 45b1 11b0 6w0 32b1 33w½ 22b03,525034,5331862
24Bechini Bossons Ferran 2b0 38w1 11b0 45w½ 32b½ 27w0 41b1 29w½3,52803028,51631
25Costa Berengue Joan 3w0 36b1 13w½ 1b0 16w1 33b½ 30w½ 6b+4,513033,5321836
26Llort Puig Joan 4b0 40w1 14w½ 21b½ 22b0 17w½ 36b1 20w14,51502927,51756
27Garustovich Ramirez Nicolas 5w0 39b½ 21w0 37b½ 36w1 24b1 18w0 13b0334029,5281569
28Alasa Maduell Josep Maria 6b½ 1w½ 16b½ 14w1 8b0 20w1 11b0 17w½41903430,51882
29Comes Nolla Gabriel 7w0 41b½ -0 39b1 13w1 14w0 17b½ 24b½3,53002926,51648
30Pie Fuertes Pere 8b0 42w1 17w1 15b½ 1w0 21b½ 25b½ 14w14,517028,528,51755
31Dosaiguas Bonne Jaime Jose 9w0 43b0 41w1 36b1 21w1 15b½ 7w1 18b½511027,5261774
32Ferrer Dalmau Josep A. 10b0 11b- 40w½ 41b1 24w½ 23w0 45b1 16b0333029,5281641
33Lopez Buil Jesus 11w1 -0 18b1 8w½ 12b0 25w½ 23b½ -03,524036,5331990
34Pino Munoz Francisca 12b0 13b0 42w1 18w½ 14b0 35w1 20b0 39b½335026,526,51479
35Olmos Rosa Fernando 13w1 12w0 20b0 17b0 43w0 34b0 -0 -0144027,525,51418
36Canaldas Ferran Manuel 14b0 25w0 38b1 31w0 27b0 37w+ 26w0 37w0242030281349
37Mercade Dolcet Juan Maria 15w½ -0 44b0 27w½ 38b0 36b- 42w1 36b1337025251469
38Reyes Brito Miguel -0 24b0 36w0 42b1 37w1 13b0 -0 43w1338024241406
39Aymat Satue Joan 16b0 27w½ 1b0 29w0 42b1 45w½ 40b1 34w½3,531024,524,51478
40Marcas Vila Luis 17w0 26b0 32b½ -0 41w1 16b½ 39w0 42b1336026261462
41Fargas Oriol Jordi 18b0 29w½ 31b0 32w0 40b0 42w1 24w0 45b12,540025,525,51371
42Garcia Cristia Javier 19w0 30b0 34b0 38w0 39w0 41b0 37b0 40w004503027,5749
43Grau Vidal Francesc Xavier 20b0 31w1 19w0 -0 35b1 -0 16w0 38b0241032301544
44Guix Terricabras Eduardo Jaime 21w½ 15b0 37w1 13b1 9w+ -0 14b1 4w½59033,5301877
45Lopez Vallecillos Antonio 22b0 -1 23w0 24b½ 18w0 39b½ 32w0 41w0243028,5261356

Desempat1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat4: Recursive Ratingperformance