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Colchester Junior Chess January Grand Prix - U9

Last update 29.01.2023 17:28:44, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Ren, Jason342134ENG1207Colchester Juniors
2Wong, Louie342291ENG1040Chelmsford Juniors
3Arun, Saiarya342661ENG1010Cambridge City
4Hoxha, Oliver348472ENG991Ilford
5Knight, Hugo330085ENG939Chelmsford Juniors
6GopiKrishna, Ashwin350890ENG872Wanstead
7Hu, Ethan347059ENG824Colchester Juniors
8Kannan, Aditya322954ENG749Chelmsford Juniors
9Cawdery, Mary349824ENG742wWanstead
10Nassa, Ishaan345087ENG736Upminster
11Sierra-Guzman, Finley346621ENG640Chelmsford Juniors
12Li, Carolyn350376ENG588wEssex Juniors
13Aziz, Dylan344969ENG561Essex Juniors
14Kishore Kumar, Akshhay Sai340944ENG550Chelmsford
15Oliver, Harry348127ENG546Chelmsford Juniors
16Teotia Das, Aiden344939ENG502Brentwood School
17Broad, Jacob349850ENG495Chelmsford Juniors
18Akordor, Theodora350986ENG289wEssex Juniors
19Begens, Artjoms7ENG0Essex Juniors
20Teotia Das, Ava352921ENG0wBrentwood School
21Ranjith, Ezara6ENG0Colchester Juniors
22Nair, Madhav Rajeev9ENG0Chelmsford Juniors
23Prakash, Suryaa Kannan12ENG0Colchester Juniors