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First Saturday GM February 2023

Last update 14.02.2023 21:36:14, Creator/Last Upload: Brindza Istvan IA

Starting rank list of players

3GMKotronias Vasilios5900212GRE2468
7IMNeelash Saha5094160IND2417
2GMNeverov Valeriy14100150UKR2410
6IMSetyaki Azarya Jodi7101589INA2409
10GMPacher Milan14907445SVK2402
8IMKaracsonyi Gellert764620HUN2398
5FMTyurin Artem44130112FID2366
9Kushko Dmitriy14162261UKR2349
4FMAshwath R.5021049IND2348
1IMKrishna Teja N5001498IND2333