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Boards 1-190 PLAYING HALL 1
Boards 191-241 PLAYING HALL 2

European Individual Chess Championship 2023

Last update 13.03.2023 20:49:45, Creator/Last Upload: SRB Chess Federation

Player overview for DEN

43GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2608DEN1½½½1½1101½7,5402607101,00
370WFMNilssen Ellen Fredericia2144DEN0½01½½0½0½14,5361209720-14,20

Results of the last round for DEN

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypRtg No.
GMSvane Frederik25777 ½ - ½7 GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2608
Sertbay Huseyin2016 0 - 1 WFMNilssen Ellen Fredericia2144

Player details for DEN

GM Bjerre Jonas Buhl 2608 DEN Rp:2607 Pts. 7,5
1285IMTodorovic Goran N2296SRB5s 1101,40
2182FMSeemann Jakub2424POL6w ½10-2,40
3138GMBryakin Mikhail2474FID6s ½10-1,80
4186FMKochavi Ori2417ISR5,5w ½10-2,50
5190FMTekeyev Zaur2415FID6s 1102,50
6130IMParkhov Yair2485ISR7w ½10-1,70
7142GMFirat Burak2471TUR5,5s 1103,20
8128GMSadikhov Ulvi2485AZE6w 1103,30
98GMEsipenko Andrey2680FID8s 010-4,00
10121IMGharibyan Mamikon2491ARM6,5w 1103,40
1161GMSvane Frederik2577GER7,5s ½10-0,40
WFM Nilssen Ellen Fredericia 2144 DEN Rp:2097 Pts. 4,5
1128GMSadikhov Ulvi2485AZE6s 020-2,40
2176IMAlonso Garcia Aaron2437ESP6w ½207,00
3267FMSukovic Andrej2322MNE5,5s 020-5,40
4468Mladenovic Milan1787SRB2,5w 1202,20
5270FMJocev Milan2315SRB5,5s ½204,60
6275IMMarcetic Nikola2309SRB3,5w ½204,40
7281Ivanovic Marko2302SRB5,5s 020-5,80
8456Dakic Marta1867SRB5,5w ½20-6,60
9449Poupalos Nikolaos1906GRE5,5s 020-16,00
10417Pantovic Dragan M2038SRB4,5w ½20-2,80
11427Sertbay Huseyin2016TUR3,5s 1206,60