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GEO Women 80 Ch (I League)

Last update 22.12.2022 16:22:25, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian chess federation

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Round 2 on 2022/12/15 at 15:00

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
11WFMLomaia Diana20571 ½ - ½1 WFMTsotsonava Elene18894
25WFMKirtadze Anastasia18821 0 - 11 Donghvani Nia20552
33Esadze Tamari19821 1 - 01 Sichinava Mariam17616
47Tsetskhladze Mariam17171 1 - 00 Oniani Tamar17028
59Kalandadze Mariam15810 0 - 10 Macharashvili Ana141112
613Shubitidze Barbare12750 ½ - ½0 Ashotia Barbare146310
711Diasamidze Lulu14410 1 - 00 Chighvaria Ana123114