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Budapest, Hotel NOVOTEL, Budapest, Rákóczi út 43-45, Zsolnay termek

Kallai Gabor Memorial 2022 Blitz

Last update 02.12.2022 12:45:28, Creator/Last Upload: 700290miklosorsoIA

Player Overview of a federation

Overview for team FID

10GMMotylev AlexanderFID2656½1½1½1½½½63Rapid
10GMMotylev AlexanderFID25321010½½1½½54Blitz

Player details

GM Motylev Alexander 2656 FID Rp:2598 Pts. 6
11GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN7s ½Rapid
26GMTroff Kayden2483USA4w 1Rapid
32GMRuck Robert2466HUN4,5s ½Rapid
47WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN1w 1Rapid
53GMBerkes Ferenc2623HUN5,5s ½Rapid
68GMBeliavsky Alexander G2631SLO4w 1Rapid
74IMBorhy Marcell2300HUN3,5s ½Rapid
89GMKozak Adam2539HUN7w ½Rapid
95GMHorvath Csaba2509HUN2,5s ½Rapid
GM Motylev Alexander 2532 FID Rp:2526 Pts. 5
11GMBjerre Jonas Buhl2512DEN6w 1Blitz
26GMTroff Kayden2534USA6s 0Blitz
32GMRuck Robert2566HUN5w 1Blitz
47WIMGaal Zsoka2198HUN2,5s 0Blitz
53GMBerkes Ferenc2676HUN5,5w ½Blitz
68GMBeliavsky Alexander G2499SLO2,5s ½Blitz
74IMBorhy Marcell2346HUN4w 1Blitz
89GMKozak Adam2460HUN5s ½Blitz
95GMHorvath Csaba2554HUN3,5w ½Blitz