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Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Trophy International Grand Master Chess Tournament-2022, Raipur - Masters (297977)

Last update 28.09.2022 15:57:44, Creator/Last Upload: Swapnil Bansod 2

Player overview for GEO

1GMPantsulaia Levan2596GEO111111½1½½8,511012,90Masters
2GMPaichadze Luka2560GEO½½1½½1010½5,54610-33,10Masters

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMPantsulaia Levan25968 ½ - ½ IMAjay Karthikeyan2422
GMPaichadze Luka25605 ½ - ½5 IMMohota Nisha2166

Player details for GEO

GM Pantsulaia Levan 2596 GEO Rp:2714 Pts. 8,5
163CMAaditya Dhingra2178IND6w 1100,80
237IMAvinash Ramesh2328IND6,5s 1101,70
320IMNitish Belurkar2419IND4,5w 1102,70
414GMDeepan Chakkravarthy J.2439IND6,5s 1102,90
54GMKrasenkow Michal2545POL7,5w 1104,30
610GMMitrabha Guha2471IND7s 1103,30
79GMBatchuluun Tsegmed2478MGL7w ½10-1,60
811IMMohammad Nubairshah Shaikh2461IND7s 1103,20
915IMTahbaz Arash2437IRI7s ½10-2,10
1019IMAjay Karthikeyan2422IND7w ½10-2,30
GM Paichadze Luka 2560 GEO Rp:2233 Pts. 5,5
164IMDeshmukh Anup2176IND4s ½10-4,10
270CMRavi Kumar2156IND4,5w ½10-4,20
372WIMBommini Mounika Akshaya2152IND4s 1100,80
448FMAaryan Varshney2263IND6,5w ½10-3,50
553WIMChitlange Sakshi2252IND4,5s ½10-3,60
6107Chidvilash Sai Surapaneni2000IND5,5w 1100,80
734Utsab Chatterjee2332IND6,5s 010-7,90
874CMNayak Rajesh2142IND4,5w 1100,80
937IMAvinash Ramesh2328IND6,5s 010-7,90
1068IMMohota Nisha2166IND5,5w ½10-4,20