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Dubai Open 2022

Last update 27.09.2022 17:32:04, Creator/Last Upload: IA Abdulrahim Mahdi

Player overview for RUS

66FMPavlov Mark2341RUS½½0½100002,514310-21,90
100Shoshin Kirill2205RUS010101010410740-19,60

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
Shoshin KirillRUS22054 0 - 14 IMViani Antonio DcunhaIND2327
FMPavlov MarkRUS2341 0 not paired  

Player details for RUS

FM Pavlov Mark 2341 RUS Rp:2005 Pts. 2,5
1151Sadbhav Rautela1775IND4s ½10-3,90
265Panda Sambit2346IND6w ½100,10
3123Hamad Bader2029UAE2,5s 010-8,60
4135Mokhtari Moghadam Taha1929IRI3w ½10-3,90
5115Abhyudaya Rajpurohit2078IND3,5s 1101,80
697FMDe Silva L M S T2212SRI5,5w 010-6,70
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
Shoshin Kirill 2205 RUS Rp:2157 Pts. 4
115GMHakobyan Aram2612ARM6s 040-4,40
2145Abid Ali Mujawar1824IND2,5w 1404,40
335IMTahbaz Arash2449IRI3,5s 040-8,00
4147Al Ansi Amin1806OMA4,5w 1404,40
545CMKushagra Mohan2426IND5,5s 040-8,80
6123Hamad Bader2029UAE2,5w 14010,80
762IMTissir Mohamed2366MAR4s 040-11,60
8129Sabirova Shakhnoza1957UZB3w 1407,60
968IMViani Antonio Dcunha2327IND5w 040-13,20