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21st European Youth Blitz Chess Championship 2022_U14

Last update 29.07.2022 22:08:38, Creator: Greek Chess Federation (Licence 1),Last Upload: marcobelemmi

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Final Ranking crosstable after 18 Rounds

Rk. NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.Rd14.Rd15.Rd16.Rd17.Rd18.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
FMSeemann Jakub2033POL 20b1 20w1 8w0 8b1 4w1 4b1 9b1 9w1 10b1 10w1 3w1 3b½ 2b1 2w0 6w½ 6b1 7b0 7w1140182189913
Bazakutsa Svyatoslav2081UKR 11w1 11b0 17b1 17w1 7w½ 7b1 3w1 3b0 8b1 8w1 6b0 6w1 1w0 1b1 4b½ 4w1 9w1 9b1130182189912
CMCnejev Vladimir-Alexandru1951ROU 23w1 23b1 12b1 12w½ 5w1 5b½ 2b0 2w1 9w1 9b1 1b0 1w½ 4w0 4b1 10b½ 10w1 11w1 11b½12,50175,5180910
FMDeuer Marius2091GER 15b0 15w1 11w1 11b1 1b0 1w0 19b1 19w1 12w½ 12b1 5w1 5b1 3b1 3w0 2w½ 2b0 6b½ 6w111,50181,5189910
Lyakh Vasiliy1811UKR 25w+ 25b+ 10w1 10b½ 3b0 3w½ 12b½ 12w1 6w1 6b0 4b0 4w0 9b½ 9w0 15w1 15b1 16w1 16b1111169,5177,589
Podolskyi Mykhailo1963UKR 22b1 22w1 24w1 24b1 9b0 9w0 16w1 16b1 5b0 5w1 2w1 2b0 7b1 7w1 1b½ 1w0 4w½ 4b0111168,5171910
Pilshofer Paul1910AUT 17b0 17w1 15w1 15b1 2b½ 2w0 8w½ 8b0 20b1 20w1 9w1 9b½ 6w0 6b0 14b1 14w1 1w1 1b010,5017117899
Bazilius Augustinas1840LTU 16b1 16w1 1b1 1w0 12w½ 12b0 7b½ 7w1 2w0 2b0 14b0 14w1 17w1 17b1 9w½ 9b0 10w1 10b½10017318098
Berin Artem2041UKR 14w1 14b1 13b1 13w1 6w1 6b1 1w0 1b0 3b0 3w0 7b0 7w½ 5w½ 5b1 8b½ 8w1 2b0 2w09,5019220198
Sundac Ivano1989CRO 18w1 18b1 5b0 5w½ 13w½ 13b1 20b1 20w1 1w0 1b0 11w1 11b½ 12b½ 12w½ 3w½ 3b0 8b0 8w½9,5017518296
Balyk Timur1696UKR 2b0 2w1 4b0 4w0 22w0 22b1 13w+ 13b+ 17w1 17b1 10b0 10w½ 13w1 13b½ 12w1 12b0 3b0 3w½9,50169175,588
FMLjepic Andrej2076SRB 19b1 19w1 3w0 3b½ 8b½ 8w1 5w½ 5b0 4b½ 4w0 16w1 16b1 10w½ 10b½ 11b0 11w1 13w0 13b½9,50168,517696
Kozlovic Jernej1909SLO 21w1 21b1 9w0 9b0 10b½ 10w0 11b- 11w- 18b1 18w1 15w1 15b1 11b0 11w½ 16w0 16b1 12b1 12w½9,50149155,588
Pasti Zsombor1509HUN 9b0 9w0 23w1 23b0 17w1 17b0 22b1 22w1 16b1 16w0 8w1 8b0 20b0 20w1 7w0 7b0 19b1 19w190136,514199
Bharat Kumar Balahari1752ENG 4w1 4b0 7b0 7w0 16b0 16w0 21w1 21b1 19b1 19w½ 13b0 13w0 23w1 23b1 5b0 5w0 24b1 24w18,50140,514398
Stoimenidis Markos1145GRE 8w0 8b0 18b1 18w1 15w1 15b1 6b0 6w0 14w0 14b1 12b0 12w0 22w1 22b1 13b1 13w0 5b0 5w080161,516898
Cherentsov Mikhail1266EST 7w1 7b0 2w0 2b0 14b0 14w1 18b+ 18w+ 11b0 11w0 19w1 19b0 8b0 8w0 23b1 23w1 21w1 21b080150154,588
Avramenko Danyl1339UKR 10b0 10w0 16w0 16b0 21b1 21w1 17w- 17b- 13w0 13b0 23b1 23w½ 24w1 24b½ 20w1 20b1 22b0 22w180124126,587
Zhan Richard1573ENG 12w0 12b0 22b½ 22w½ 23b1 23w1 4w0 4b0 15w0 15b½ 17b0 17w1 21b1 21w0 24w1 24b1 14w0 14b07,50128,513196
Quillaud Maxime1351ENG 1w0 1b0 21b1 21w1 24b1 24w1 10w0 10b0 7w0 7b0 22b½ 22w½ 14w1 14b0 18b0 18w0 23w0 23b170141,514496
Seretis Nikolaos G1184GRE 13b0 13w0 20w0 20b0 18w0 18b0 15b0 15w0 23w1 23b0 24b1 24w1 19w0 19b1 22b1 22w½ 17b0 17w16,51,5123,512696
Vaidyanathan Sathya1317ENG 6w0 6b0 19w½ 19b½ 11b1 11w0 14w0 14b0 24b1 24w1 20w½ 20b½ 16b0 16w0 21w0 21b½ 18w1 18b06,50,5135,513894
Nikolov Alexander1289ENG 3b0 3w0 14b0 14w1 19w0 19b0 24w1 24b0 21b0 21w1 18w0 18b½ 15b0 15w0 17w0 17b0 20b1 20w04,50136,513994
Samorukov Egor1034MNC -1 -1 6b0 6w0 20w0 20b0 23b0 23w1 22w0 22b0 21w0 21b0 18b0 18w½ 19b0 19w0 15w0 15b03,50134138,581
Kukushkin Ivan1131LAT 5b- 5w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00093,594,500

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Most black
Tie Break5: The greater number of victories (variable)