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Campionat Ràpides Vallfogona Piscina 2022

Última actualización24.07.2022 19:34:26, Propietario/Última carga: Imma Montoliu Daroca

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 9 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1FMMasague Artero Guerau 19b1 13w1 7b1 20w1 4b1 3w1 6b1 2w0 8b18514456
2Arno Bendicho Arnau 33b1 35w1 9b0 18w1 17b1 7w1 4b1 1b1 3w0749,541,553,5
3Solani Nuñez Joshua 24b1 25w1 31b1 9w1 16b1 1b0 8w1 4w0 2b17494153,5
4FMEsplugas Esteve Vicenç 37w1 17b1 21w1 8b1 1w0 5b1 2w0 3b1 6w½6,551,543,555,5
5Rodriguez Aranda Kevin 40b1 6w1 20b0 28w1 12b1 4w0 10b1 7w½ 16b16,54740,551
6MKCampos Olaya Israel 30w1 5b0 24w1 25b1 31w1 9b1 1w0 21b1 4b½6,5473951,5
7Porta Isant Lluis 44w1 22b1 1w0 35b1 10w1 2b0 27w1 5b½ 15w16,5473951
8Cortiella I Vallés Roger 48b1 36w1 18b1 4w0 13b1 15w1 3b0 16w1 1w06484051,5
9Pique Safont Joan Manel 41w1 61b1 2w1 3b0 20b1 6w0 35b1 15w½ 11b½6453846,5
10Montoliu Daroca Imma 64b1 11w½ 34b1 15w½ 7b0 12w1 5w0 39b1 23w164437,545,5
11Torrent Minguet Joan 54w1 10b½ 32w1 16b0 34w1 23b1 21w0 22b1 9w½641,535,544,5
12Ferrer Font Jordi 55w1 18b0 38w1 14b1 5w0 10b0 32w1 36b1 22w1641,53544,5
13Marti Trilla Aleix 53w1 1b0 54w1 37b1 8w0 26b1 22w0 28b1 20w16413344
14Alba Tarradelles Jose 50b1 20w0 47b1 12w0 41b1 43w1 15b0 29w1 21w16383241,5
15Miret Munoz Cesar 57w1 23b1 16w½ 10b½ 21w1 8b0 14w1 9b½ 7b05,54639,549
16Orrit Sole Gerard 45b1 28w1 15b½ 11w1 3w0 20b1 31w1 8b0 5w05,545,538,549,5
17Mir Carnice Jordi 42w1 4w0 48b1 26b1 2w0 22b0 37w1 23b½ 31w15,5413444,5
18Subarroca Blanch Francesc 49b1 12w1 8w0 2b0 54w1 27b0 38w1 31b½ 32w15,540,533,543,5
19Niubo Parramon Edgar 1w0 53b½ 30w1 32b0 42w1 34b1 23w0 33b1 27w15,540,532,543,5
20Ribera Pane Jaume 38w1 14b1 5w1 1b0 9w0 16w0 24b1 35w1 13b05473951
21Rodriguez Moles Julian 47b1 43w1 4b0 36w1 15b0 24w1 11b1 6w0 14b0543,53747
Silva Marsa Gerard 52b1 7w0 29b1 31w0 40b1 17w1 13b1 11w0 12b0543,53747
23Sanuy Moncasi Albert 60b1 15w0 33b½ 43w1 32b1 11w0 19b1 17w½ 10b0541,535,543,5
24Luque Baiges Francesc 3w0 56b1 6b0 33w1 25w1 21b0 20w0 47b1 36w1540,533,543,5
25Parramon Guillaumet Jaime 56w1 3b0 45w1 6w0 24b0 60b1 26w1 27b0 37w1539,532,541,5
26Mares Mario Gabriel 62b1 31w0 40b1 17w0 29b1 13w0 25b0 45b1 39w15383240
27Mendoza Barcia Mateo 31b0 62w1 36b0 61w1 28b1 18w1 7b0 25w1 19b053831,539,5
28Solani Nuñez Joel 63w1 16b0 60w1 5b0 27w0 42b1 47w1 13w0 41b1536,53038
29Massot Fernandez Ian 39w1 32b0 22w0 38b1 26w0 55b1 53w1 14b0 43b1535,529,538,5
30Lopez Luna Oscar 6b0 40w0 19b0 63w1 51b1 47w0 42w1 44b1 35b153528,536,5
31Estruch Andreu Guim 27w1 26b1 3w0 22b1 6b0 36w1 16b0 18w½ 17b04,5453849
32Vidal Rosell Jose 34b½ 29w1 11b0 19w1 23w0 33b1 12b0 43w1 18b04,5423646
33Diaz Tribo Llorenç 2w0 51b1 23w½ 24b0 53w1 32w0 34b1 19w0 46b14,539,532,542,5
34Bosch Carrera Laia 32w½ 39b1 10w0 53b1 11b0 19w0 33w0 52b1 49w14,537,531,540,5
35Parra Rebolleda Antoni 51w1 2b0 44w1 7w0 47b1 37b1 9w0 20b0 30w04413444,5
36Pardina Mundó Carles 59w1 8b0 27w1 21b0 44w1 31b0 45w1 12w0 24b0439,533,541,5
37Ribes Gonzalez Jose Ramon 4b0 42w1 46b1 13w0 49b1 35w0 17b0 40w1 25b0439,53343
38Chercoles Toni 20b0 50w1 12b0 29w0 58b1 40w1 18b0 41w0 48b1436,530,539
39Arnillas Moles Josep 29b0 34w0 59b1 41w0 50b1 44w1 48b1 10w0 26b0435,529,537,5
40Rubies Vazquez Antoni 5w0 30b1 26w0 55b1 22w0 38b0 60w1 37b0 54w1435,52937,5
41Colomer Meseguer Salvador 9b0 46w0 63b1 39b1 14w0 48w0 62b1 38b1 28w04352936,5
42Llorens Vilella Victor 17b0 37b0 58w1 48w1 19b0 28w0 30b0 61w1 55b143428,535,5
43ACMValios Blanco Xavier 58w1 21b0 61w1 23b0 60w1 14b0 49w1 32b0 29w0433,527,535
44De La Fuente Expósito Juan Manuel 7b0 52w1 35b0 62w1 36b0 39b0 56w1 30w0 53b143326,535
45Sasot Pueyo Jose Manuel 16w0 63b1 25b0 49w0 61b1 46w1 36b0 26w0 56w143226,533,5
46Andres Ramon Jaume -0 41b1 37w0 60b0 56w1 45b0 54w1 55b1 33w0430,525,532,5
47Diaz Carranza Pascual 21w0 58b1 14w0 56b1 35w0 30b1 28b0 24w0 50b½3,536,530,539
48Mendoza Perez Eusebio 8w0 59b1 17w0 42b0 57w1 41b1 39w0 49b½ 38w03,5342836
49Hernandez Martinez Pol 18w0 55b1 53w0 45b1 37w0 54b1 43b0 48w½ 34b03,531,52634,5
50De La Fuente Cazacu Miguel Angel 14w0 38b0 57w1 54b0 39w0 53b0 63w1 60b1 47w½3,528,522,530
51Catlla Perez Izan 35b0 33w0 62b0 52w1 30w0 57b1 55w0 53b½ 60w13,5282330
52March Curia Girve 22w0 44b0 56w0 51b0 64b1 61w1 58b½ 34w0 63b13,525,520,527
53Parra Castaño Toni 13b0 19w½ 49b1 34w0 33b0 50w1 29b0 51w½ 44w0336,530,540
54Ros Valero Alex 11b0 64w1 13b0 50w1 18b0 49w0 46b0 62w1 40b03352936,5
55Mares Cristian 12b0 49w0 64b1 40w0 62b1 29w0 51b1 46w0 42w0332,526,534
56Oliach Aranda Biel 25b0 24w0 52b1 47w0 46b0 58w1 44b0 59w1 45b03322734
57Brenuy Mayoral Otger 15b0 60w0 50b0 64w1 48b0 51w0 59b0 58w1 61b132418,525,5
58March Curia Julia 43b0 47w0 42b0 59w1 38w0 56b0 52w½ 57b0 62b12,5272329
59Berge Sole Jose M. 36b0 48w0 39w0 58b0 63w0 64b½ 57w1 56b0 -12,5231924,5
60Hernandez Gutierrez Antoni 23w0 57b1 28b0 46w1 43b0 25w0 40b0 50w0 51b0234,529,537,5
61Casol Pons Joan Baptista -1 9w0 43b0 27b0 45w0 52b0 64w1 42b0 57w0233,527,535
62Casol Pons Nicolau Albert 26w0 27b0 51w1 44b0 55w0 63b1 41w0 54b0 58w02302531,5
63Carbi Fon Joan 28b0 45w0 41w0 30b0 59b1 62w0 50b0 -1 52w02292430,5
64Luque Navarro Kevin 10w0 54b0 55w0 57b0 52w0 59w½ 61b0 -0 -00,5241825,5

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)