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JMC Trials 1 - Laerskool Fontainebleau - U8

Last update 24.07.2022 14:12:06, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 65),Last Upload: Wolfgang Van Meersbergen

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Starting rank

1Badenhorst DanielRSA1016
2Pillay YishaiRSA882
3Conradie MinkaRSA721
4Joubert JoshuaRSA702
5Neale OwenRSA533
6Le Kay AlexaRSA521
7Badat MikaeelRSA457
8Deysel ZachRSA156
9Deysel EliRSA100
10Gerber ZoeRSA0
11Gerschlowitz EthanRSA0
12Human EzraRSA0
13Kwint JackRSA0
14Marani MassimoRSA0
15Marani SofiaRSA0
16Milner NoaRSA0
17Pelser AidanRSA0
18Rysbergen AnnabelleRSA0
19Spies SebastianRSA0
20Strydom MikaylaRSA0
21Tabilo Lillo MarceloRSA0
22Tenzer AlexanderRSA0
23Van Heerden LisaRSA0