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XIV Obert d'Estiu d'Escacs Base del Guinardó (Grup B)

Darrera actualització03.09.2022 13:54:52, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Frederic Corriguelas Armillas

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 6 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Amat Davins Biel1554 41w1 16b1 8w1 13b½ 7w1 10b15,518,52014,5
2Buenaño Rojas Julio Cesar1415 3w½ 4b½ 42w1 8b1 28w1 7b1519,52015
3Perez Monakhov Andres1606 2b½ 15w1 20b½ 14w½ 17b1 9w14,519,522,514,5
4Sanchez Hernandez Xavi1613 15b½ 2w½ 22b1 28w1 6b½ 18w14,519,52214,5
5Gomez Kunz Tarik Marti1556 6b1 20w½ 28b0 29w1 15b1 14w14,51719,512,5
6Espejo Fuentes Leo1402 5w0 36b1 43w1 41b1 4w½ 13b14,51515,510,5
7Tafzi Tafzi Oubay1526 22b1 14w1 17b1 9w1 1b0 2w0421,524,516
8Diego Morillas Gerard1482 33b1 10w1 1b0 2w0 32b1 20b1419,521,514
9Massana Navarro Abril1517 25w1 19b1 21w1 7b0 13w1 3b0418,521,514
10Garcia Corpas Nicolas1689 30w1 8b0 29w1 21b1 20w1 1w0418,52113
11Pujol Zoilo Eduald1424 28b0 35w1 38b1 18w0 31b1 21b+41415,510,5
12Massana Navarro Darina1487 32b0 33w1 31b1 20w0 22b1 16b1413,515,510
13Escobar Pavlik Luka1501 47b+ 32w1 18b1 1w½ 9b0 6w03,5202214,5
14Iglesias Pau Nil1447 38w1 7b0 24w1 3b½ 19w1 5b03,519,52115
15Canillas Peinado Oliver1426 4w½ 3b0 30w1 27b1 5w0 28b13,51921,514,5
16Saltos Macias Gael1454 34b1 1w0 32b1 23w1 18b½ 12w03,5182012,5
17Herrando Claramunt Oriol1491 40w1 42b1 7w0 19b½ 3w0 24b13,51717,512,5
18Duchene Garcia Yannick1486 36w1 43b1 13w0 11b1 16w½ 4b03,51616,511,5
19Alsina Casas Guillem1441 44b1 9w0 34b1 17w½ 14b0 29w13,515,516,511,5
20Pinyol Llora Miquel1458 37w1 5b½ 3w½ 12b1 10b0 8w032122,516,5
21Kazyrytski Kazyrytski Konstantin1466 31b1 23w1 9b0 10w0 33b1 11w-3171913
22Vidal Pla Pau1386 7w0 37b1 4w0 38b1 12w0 35b131718,512,5
23Guiu Ruiz Lluc1587 27w1 21b0 25w1 16b0 24w0 37b131617,512,5
24Ojeda Linares Jeily1298 29b0 26w1 14b0 44w1 23b1 17w03161712,5
25Cid Marcos Laia1363 9b0 45w1 23b0 34w1 29b0 31w1313,515,59,5
26Garces Robledo Jordi1402 -0 24b0 37w1 31w0 41b1 33w131213,58,5
27Mumbru Borges Marc1412 23b0 34w0 36b1 15w0 44b1 32w1312138,5
28Sanchez Hernandez Alex1608 11w1 29b½ 5w1 4b0 2b0 15w02,52123,516
29Ramos Fernandez Mark1476 24w1 28w½ 10b0 5b0 25w1 19b02,51820,513,5
30Higueras Higueras-Gutowska Pablo1428 10b0 31w0 15b0 36w1 34b½ 41w12,51314,59
31Khouya Adell Adam1289 21w0 30b1 12w0 26b1 11w0 25b0217,52013,5
32Herrerias Benitez Julia1333 12w1 13b0 16w0 42b1 8w0 27b0217,51813,5
33Nuñez Fernandez Daniel1320 8w0 12b0 40w1 43b1 21w0 26b021717,513
34Adarve Viudaurre Guillem1261 16w0 27b1 19w0 25b0 30w½ 39b½216,51913
35Gozzo-Bisso Cuadras Isabel1267 -0 11b0 -0 40b1 42w1 22w0214,51511
36Herrando Claramunt Queralt1321 18b0 6w0 27w0 30b0 -1 44w1214,51510
37Vidal Pla Sabela1285 20b0 22w0 26b0 -1 38w1 23w02141510,5
38Garcia Corpas Oliver1247 14b0 -1 11w0 22w0 37b0 43b1213,51410
39Chituc Calderon Hector1248 -0 41b½ -0 -0 43w1 34w½212,5139
40Archilla Martinez Nil1348 17b0 44w0 33b0 35w0 45b1 42w1211,5128
41Escofet Alemany Eric1394 1b0 39w½ 44b1 6w0 26w0 30b01,519,520,514
42Chalmeta Bosch Maria1224 46b+ 17w0 2b0 32w0 35b0 40b01161811
43Puerto Fernandez Iris1099 -1 18w0 6b0 33w0 39b0 38w011617,511,5
44Puerto Fernandez Alan1229 19w0 40b1 41w0 24b0 27w0 36b011314,59,5
45Chituc Calderon Hugo1233 -0 25b0 -0 -0 40w0 -1113139,5
46Mirats Mira Alex1436 42w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,513,59
Dacuña Rodrifuez Mateo1358 13w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,513,59

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)